

15 - 60
# Classic
# Easy
# Draughts
# Checkerboard
# Alquerque
# Capture

How to set-up

1. Checkers is played on a 12-by-12 grid.

2. Each player selects 18 BEADs the colour of their choice.

3. BEADs are placed on the darker squares on the 3 rows closets to the player. The middle 2 rows will start empty of BEADs.

4. Players decide who begins the game by rolling a die.

How to play

1. In turns, each player moves 1 BEAD diagonally forward 1 space.

2. Players capture BEADs by jumping over an opponent’s BEAD and landing on an empty square beyond it, always in a diagonal forward motion.

3. If available, a capture must be made. If more than 1 capture is possible, the player can decide which capture they wish to make.

4. Captures can be chained together if, upon jumping over an opponent’s BEAD and capturing it, the player is diagonally adjacent to another BEAD with an empty square beyond it.

5. When a BEAD reaches the opposite end of the board it becomes a King and the player’s turn ends.

6. A King BEAD can move forward and backwards in a diagonal pattern and must always make a capture (or chain of captures) when possible.

7. A King BEAD can be captured like a regular BEAD.

8. Captured BEADS are removed from the board.

How to win

1. To win the game, a player needs to capture all their opponent's BEADs.

2. A draw can be agreed to if both players only have a single BEAD left.


1. Checkers dates back to the 12th century, in France.

2. There are two main types of checkers played: the Anglo-American version (which originally came from France) and the Polish or continental version. The Anglo-American version is played on an 8x8 chessboard with 12 pieces. The continental version (so-called because it is played on the continent of Europe) is played on a 10x10 board with 20 pieces each. There are also a number of variations in various countries.

3. British people call the game "draughts". English draughts is played on an 8x8 chess board. Only the dark squares are used: the light squares are never used.

Canadian checkers

1. Canadian checkers has the same rules and gameplay as international draughts.

2. The only differences are the larger gameboard, being 12×12 squares instead of 10×10 squares, and more checkers per player - 30 instead of 20.

3. See how the pieces are placed at the beginning of the game....

Armenian draughts

1. This variation of Checkers is played on an 8x8 board. There are 16 game pieces ( or men ) lined up on each side in two rows, skipping the first and last row.

2. So, the second and third row are filled with your own men, and the sixth and seventh row are filled with your opponent's men.

3. A man can move forwards or sideways to an orthogonally adjacent field, if that field is empty. In addition, pieces can move, but not capture, one square diagonally forward. There is no backward movement or capture for men.

4. Upon ending a move on the last row, a man is promoted to king. Remember that the extra capture rights of a king are only applied in this move if the man reached the last row by a jump.

5. Kings may move any number of fields orthogonally forwards, sideways, or backwards, capturing by jumping over a piece and landing in any field of an unbroken row or line of empty fields behind the piece captured.

6. Kings can move, but not capture, over any number of diagonal fields. The king moves just like a Chess queen.

7. As opposed to European versions of draughts, captured pieces are removed during the capture, allowing longer ranges of capture.

8. The winner is the player whose opponent can't move anymore.

Italian Damone

1. Instead of several undifferentiated pieces as found in most draughts games, Italian Damone has ranked pieces and there are only 8 pieces.

2. The pieces ranked from high to low : Damone, Damas, and Pedine.

3. The typical game has 1 Damone, 2 Damas, and 5 Pedines for each player.

4. A player's piece can only capture an enemy piece, if the enemy piece is the same rank or lower.

5. Each player's pieces are set up on their corner of the board. The Damone is at the corner black square. The 2 Damas are found on the next diagonal of black squares, and specifically at the squares that lie on the edges.

6. The 5 Pedines are found on the next diagonal of black squares.

7. A Pedine can move and capture in three directions. The piece can move forward ( Or actually diagonally towards the opponent, because the piece starts in a corner ). Also Pedines may move sideways in two directions.

8. Northeast direction (towards the upper right corner of the board), or in a southwest direction (towards the lower left corner of the board). Pedines can never move or capture backwards. Which in this case would be toward the southeast direction.

9. Damas and Damones can move and capture in all four directions. All pieces may move only one space diagonally onto a vacant black square on the board in a turn.

Turkish draughts

1. Turkish draughts is a variant of Checkers played in Turkey, Egypt, Kuwait, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and many other locations in the Middle East.

2. The game is played on a 8×8 board, 16 men are lined up on each side, in two rows. The first row is vacant.

3. The game pieces move orthogonally forwards or sideways one square, capturing by means of a jump - they cannot move or capture backwards or diagonally.

4. When a man reaches the back row, it is promoted to a king. Kings can move any number of empty squares orthogonally forwards, backwards or sideways.

5. Pieces are removed from the board immediately after being jumped. If a jump is available it must be taken.

6. Unlike other checkers variants, since pieces are removed immediately after being jumped, as pieces are captured and removed, it is possible to cross a square previously occupied by a captured piece more than once in the same multicapture.

7. Because a captured piece is removed before the captor continues jumping, its removal may open up additional jumps previously impossible.

French checkers

1. This variation of Checkers plays the same as standard Checkers, but with a key difference.

2. Pieces can move only forward and capture only backwards.

3. The pieces that have reached the opponent's first rank (first row) are turned into kings. Kings can capture both forwards and backwards.

Giveaway Checkers

1. In this variation of Checkers, the winner is the first player to lose all his pieces, or who can't make a move because his only piece or pieces are blockaded.

2. As usual, capturing is mandatory.